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2024 HTUP Daily Schedule and Readings

January 8 – February 9, 2024

 Return to 2024 HTUP

 Week 1: January 8-13
Monday, January 8
9:00-10:00 am 
 Get ID cardsSmith Campus Center 8th floor
1350 Massachusetts Ave.; Suite 807
Monday, January 8
10:00-4:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb – “Orientation”
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Orientation
Reading: How to prepare a case
Class Agreement: 
Milstein East AWasserstein Hall (WCC) 2nd floor1585 Mass Ave, 
Monday, January 86:00-9:00 pmWelcome Dinner6:00-7:00 pm Reception7:00-9:00 pm Buffet dinner
Speaker: Chrissy Lynch ’19 President, Massachusetts AFL-CIO
Sheraton Commander,
16 Garden St. Cambridge
Tuesday, January 9
8:30 -10:00 am 
Nancy Luc and Anneta Argyres – “Building Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: – Unions must promote diversity and inclusion to maintain solidarity– Antiracism, Social Justice and the California Faculty Association
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Classroom Definitions Handout
Classroom notes
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 9
10:30-12:00 pm
law scales 
Sharon Block and Benjamin Sachs – “Current Labor Law Issues”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 9
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 9
1:00-2:30 pm
Turning the Tide book cover 
David Weil – “Strategic Choice #1: Facing the storm: A first discussion of strategic choices”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: Turning the Tide, Preface, Chapter 1, (pp. 3-12).
– Sarita Gupta and Erica Smiley, The Future We Need (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022), pp. 47-51; 121-125..
Case for discussion: The PATCO Strike (HTUP Case Program)
Questions for discussion:
– How do you prepare for the upcoming contract negotiations as the Reagan administration?
– How do you prepare for the upcoming contract negotiations as a leader of PATCO?
– What lesson does the PATCO case have for leading change in your union?Classroom Presentation: none 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 93:00-4:30 pm
Why David wins - book cover 
Marshall Ganz – “Leadership, Organizing, and Action”Curriculum area: Organizing and CapacityReading: – The Power of Story in Social Movements;
– Chapter 19 Leading Change;
– Reclaiming Civil Society
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Books referred to in class: 
– When Movements Anchor Parties: Electoral Alignments in American History by Daniel Schlozman (Author)
by Jo Freeman aka Joreen
Time’s Arrow, Time’s Cycle: Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time by Stephen Jay Gould 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 10
8:30 -10:00 am 
Gautam Mukunda – Dangerous Mines: Saving Lives through Leadership
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: “Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American,” (HRB Case)Classroom Presentation: none 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 10
10:30-12:00 pm 
David Cutler – “What’s Up with Health Care?”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 10
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 10
1:00-2:30 pm
Beaten Down and worked up cover 
Mark Erlich – “Early America Through the Progressive Era”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Steven, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Ch. 1-5
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 10
3:00-4:30 pmrise of the working class shareholder cover
Capital Strategies #1- “New Roles for Labor: Creating and Managing Wealth: Introduction to Capital Strategies” –
Chris Mackin and David Webber

Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: • An Iron Chain of Bondage, Lessons from the Knights of Labor, Our Kingdom, Democratic Wealth, November 29, 2012, Alex Gourevitch
• Employee Ownership in America: A Primer for Industrial Relations, Christopher Mackin, Perspectives on Work, Vol. 5, No. 2, January, 2003
• The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder, Preface, Chapter 1 (Chapters 2 and 4 optional)• Capital Strategies for the Common Good, a Tool for Labor’s Revival. Dixon, Labor Forum 2021, Vol. 30(1) 60–68
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Thursday, January 11
8:30 -10:00 am 
Stephanie Luce – “Worker Power and the State of the Labor Market.”
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: – Deepak Bhargava and Stephanie Luce, “Why isn’t Bidenomics sticking? Because social change is about lived experiences.“Forthcoming January 2024 in Fortune magazine. 
– What a Mix of Goods and Bads | Dollars & Sense
–  Website on Worker Power Classroom Presentation: PDF
– IRL Union Labor tracker website
– – Heritage Foundation battle plan
WCC – Milstein East A 
Thursday, January 11
10:30-12:00 pm 
Richard Parker – “Why This November’s Election Will Be Transformative–for Reasons (and in Ways) You Won’t Expect”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Discussion Questions
– Why Joe Biden Needs More Than Accomplishments to Be a Success
The Habitation Economy
Looming Questions for Dems
Classroom Presentation: none 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Thursday, January 11
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Thursday, January 11
1:00-2:30 pmFissuured workplace cover 
David Weil – “Strategic Choice #2: Strategic planning and strategic choice”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: – David Weil, “A Strategic Choice Framework for Union Decision Making,”  Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, vol. 8, March 2005, pp. 327-347.– The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapter 1,  (pp. 1-23).- Paul Whitehead, Paul Clark, and Lois Gray, “Adapting Union Administrative Practices to New Realities: Results of a Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study. Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations. vol.24, 2018, pp. 155-184.
Prepare for discussion: Reflect carefully on your own union’s recent history (and your personal history in your union). Based on the framework described in the “Strategic Choice Framework” think about the following questions:– What was the most significant change affecting its “strategic leverage”?
– What was the most significant change affecting its “organizational capacity”?
– How have the changes you have noted above affected your views on union leadership and management?
– How has your union engaged in planning / strategic planning in recent years?  How successful have those efforts been in to improving the strategic position of your union?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
– CALPERS – California Public Employees’ Retirement System 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Thursday, January 11
3:00-4:30 pm 
Capital Strategies #2- “Taking Control of Our Money and Resisting the Attack on Pensions” – David Webber, Boston University Law School
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder, Chapters 5 and 8
Classroom Presentation: none
WCC – Milstein East A 
Friday, January 12
8:30 -10:00 am 
Bill Cole – “Leaders and Followers: Engaging Union Members” – Part 1
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC – Milstein East Aand Zoom 
Friday, January 12
10:30-12:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Leading with Labor’s Values  #1- Overview”Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: The Practice of Adaptive Leadership (Theory behind the practice);
– What Leaders Really Do
 The Challenge Union Leaders Face When They Assume the Role of Managers Within a Labor Organization, Ken Margolies, LERA 63RD ANNUAL PROCEEDINGS, 2011
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC – Milstein East A 
Friday, January 12
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Friday, January 12
1:00-2:30 pm 
Jack Trumpbour – “Arctic Simulation”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Friday, January 123:00-4:30 pm
Tour icon 
Jack Trumpbour – “Harvard Tour”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: 
WCC – Milstein East A 
Saturday, January 13
9:00 am-6:00 pm 
8:30 am breakfast 
Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack provided 
Abel Cano – “Public Narrative Workshop”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: –Overview
*Required: Ganz: Why Stories Matter
*Required: Growth Mindset – Carol Dweck
Recommended: Chapter 19 Leading Change;
Recommended: Lesson 1: Public Narrative Do’s & Don’ts
Recommended: Lesson 2: Coaching Public Narrative  
WCC – Milstein West A/B 
WEEK 2: January 16 -19 Top
Monday, January 15MLK day No Class MLK Day  
Tuesday, January 16
8:30 -10:00 am 
David Weil – “Strategic Choice: #3 Analyzing strategic leverage”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: –Turning the Tide. Introduction to Part II; Chapter 2, pp. 23-42; Chapter 4, pp. 74-90.
– The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapters 2-3, (pp. 28-75).
– Sarita Gupta and Erica Smiley, The Future We Need. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022), pp. 127-137.
– Mark Erlich, “Construction Workers and the Gig Economy.” Dissent. Spring 2020, pp. 83-89.
Case for discussion:
David Vernon, “A Deep-Dive on Amazon Flex and the Threat from Crowdsourced Delivery.” A/B Bernstein Analytics. May 14, 2018. [NOTE: This is a business evaluation of Amazon Flex by a private equity research firm]. CASE

• What are the key factors that will affect whether Amazon Flex will be successful in the short, medium, and long term?
• If you are FedEx or UPS, how worried are you about Amazon Flex based on the analysis in the report?
• How might the Amazon Flex business model impact other businesses and the people who work for them?
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 16
10:30-11:15 am
voting box icon 
Tova Wang – “When Organizers Lead Democracy Wins”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: – The New Mexico Voting Rights Act
 – New Mexico is Making it Easier to Vote
– Democracy for the People Act summary
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 16
11:15-12:00 pm 
Darlene Lombos and Renee Dozier ’23 – “Building a United Front with Community Partners”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Women Building Boston Video 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 16
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound Hall 102 
Tuesday, January 16
1:00-2:30 pm
 For Labor to Build Upon Bood Cover - Gould
William B. Gould IV – “For Labor to Build Upon: Wars, Depression, and Pandemic”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: – America’s latest union push needs teeth– Now Is the Time for Unions to Go on the OffensiveActivists Helped Get Huge UAW Win, Wall Street Journal, 11/1/23, pp A 1,10
– William Gould on the UAW Strike and the Summer of Red-Hot Labor Unrest– Stanford Law School, 9/18/23
– Gould Discusses ‘Hot Labor Summer” and Why More Strikes Likely are Coming – Stanford Law School 7/25/23- Fain’s biting style creates momentum – Detroit Free Press, 9/25/23
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: none
Pound Hall 102
and Zoom 
Tuesday, January 16
3:30-4:30 pm 
Nick Juravich – “Boston Labor History Tour”
Curriculum area: History
The tour will start at Back Bay Station.
The tour will end at Democracy Brewing, A worker-owned brewery located at 35 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111- “A Working-People’s Heritage Trail” Jim Green’s pamphlet, 2001
– Tina Groeger’s 2018 interactive website based on Jim Green’s work 
– People’s Guide to Greater Boston, published in 2020- Alida has this book if you want to borrow it. Chain of Change: Struggles for Black Community Development  by Mel King (out of print) but can be accessed for free online at: 
 Black Lives and the Boston Massacre By Farah Peterson
John Adams’ defense of the British soldiers who carried out the Boston massacre.
MBTA to Back Bay Station
Wednesday, January 17
8:30 -10:00 am 
Jennifer Zelnick – “Privatization, Covid-19, and employment security in the USA”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: Read and prepare CASE
Classroom Presentation: PDF
BLS- unemployment insurance_measuring who receives it 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 17
10:30-12:00 pmLabor and Class Idea book cover - Eidlin
Barry Eidlin – “Class vs. Special Interest: Why Unions are Stronger in Canada than in the U.S.”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: From Class to Special Interest – JacobinOptional: From Class to Special Interest (full article) -Special Interest
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 17
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 17
1:00-2:30 pm 
Mark Erlich – “Great Depression, New Deal, Birth of the CIO”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Steven, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Chapter 6
Classroom Presentation: – Lists the WPA sites and projects that still exist.​​​​​​ 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 17
3:00-4:30 pm 
Capital Strategies #3- “Climate Change and a Just Transition” – Vonda Brunsting, Harvard Initiative for Responsible Investment 
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: • A Trade Union Guide of Practice for a Just Transition IndustriALL Global Union pg. 5-9
• Just Transition Guidance for Investors. Brunsting, Robins, Wood pg. 3-5
• Worker’s Voice and Investing in a Just Transition. Andre Almeida Santos, David Wood
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102 
Wednesday, January 17
5:30-7:00 pm
Reception to follow
John T. Dunlop Memorial Forum – “The Way We Build: Restoring Dignity to Construction Work”
Speaker: Mark Erlich, Wertheim Fellow, CLJE, Harvard Law School and retired Executive Secretary-Treasurer, New England Regional Council of Carpenters
Introduction: Raheem Shepard, Regional Manager of the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters for the City of Boston and Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board of Directors.
WCC – Milstein East A 
Thursday, January 18
8:30 -10:00 am 
Elaine Bernard – “Learning from each other: Unions and labor relations in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: – History of Australian Unions
– Collective Bargaining as a Constitutional Right -Canada 
– NZ Unions 
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102  
Thursday, January 18
10:30-12:00 pm 
Bill Cole – “Leaders and Followers: Engaging Union Members” – Part 2
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: TBD
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound Hall 102and Zoom 
Thursday, January 18
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound Hall 102 
Thursday, January 18
1:00-2:30 pm 
Harris Freeman – “Arbitration and Its Role in a Time of Rising Labor Militancy”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: SCOTUS Majority gives short shrift to worker rights 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
UMass Labor Center Master’s program
UMass Labor Center Internship 
Pound Hall 102 
Thursday, January 18
3:00-4:30 pm 
Capital Strategies #4- “ESG, Anti-ESG, And the Legal Battle Over Worker Pensions” – David Webber
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: • The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder, Chapter 7
• It’s Time for ESG To Fight Back,
Classroom Presentation: none 
Pound Hall 102 
Friday, January 19
8:30 -10:00 am 
Will Jones – “Essential Workers: Public Service and the Dignity of Labor”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: –The Essential Worker: A History from the Progressive Era to COVID-19forthcoming Labor: Studies in Working-Class History 20:4 (Winter 2023), 6-23
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Hauser 102Malkin Classroom 
Friday, January 19
10:30-12:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Labor’s Values #2-Breaking Barriers”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: – The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House, Audre Lorde
– Overcoming barriers to people of color in union leadership, AFL-CIO, ILR School, Cornell University, 2005
– Is organizing enough: Race, gender and union culture, Bill Fletcher and Richard Hurd, ILR School, Cornell University
– Our economic and political agenda for young workers, International Trade Union Confederation, 2017
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Anti-Racist Organization Continuum handout
 Hauser 102Malkin Classroom 
Friday, January 19
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
 Hauser 102Malkin Classroom 
Friday, January 19
1:00-2:30 pm 
Vicki O’Leary ’18 – “How Trade Unionists Become Upstanders”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading:  – Microaggressions handoutAnti-Isms handout 
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
 Hauser 102Malkin Classroom 
WEEK 3: January 22-26  
Monday, January 22
8:30 -10:00 am 
Spy Dénommé-Welch and Larry Savage – “Indigenizing and Decolonizing our Unions and our Workplaces”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: – Indigenization through collective bargaining: Lessons and ideas for academic staff associations;- 5 Actions For Indigenous Rights And Justice In The Workplace;- Decolonizing Labour
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Resources shared by Julie, USW:1. USW guide on negotiating from an Indigenous perspective (available in English): Truth and Reconciliation Day bargained as a holiday at the Bloom Lake Mine (French article that can be translated in browser): Truth and Reconciliation Day bargained in a first CBA at Quality Inn Hotel in Sept-Îles (French article that can be translated in browser):…  
Austin Hall 100 and Zoom
Monday, January 22
10:30-12:00 pm
Picking Presidents cover 
Gautam Mukunda – “Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 22
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 22
1:00-2:30 pm 
Barry Bluestone – “Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of American Economic Growth” Part 1
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 111
Monday, January 22
3:00-4:30 pm 
Class Sharing:
Julie Herbet:
 80 Years of Steelworkers Milestones in Quebec, 12 min video 
Jon Goddard: Member Support and Welfare Programs for his members. PDF
Austin Hall 111
Monday, January 22
5:30-7:00 pm
Reception to follow
Organzing for power -Chomsky

James Green Memorial Forum on Labor History “Organizing for Power: Building a 21st Century Labor Movement in Boston”
Speaker: Aviva Chomsky
, Professor of History and the Coordinator of Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies at Salem State University in Massachusetts.
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC Milstein West B
Tuesday, January 23
8:30 -12:30 pm
negotiation icon 
Florrie Darwin – “Negotiations Workshop”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: reading packet
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
WCC Milstein West B
Tuesday, January 23
12:30-12:40 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
WCC Milstein West B
Tuesday, January 23
1:30-4:30 pm 
Florrie  Darwin – “Negotiations Workshop”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations 
Austin Hall 100
4th-floor conference room, Pound HallClass rings with Jeffrey Quirk from  Herff Jones 4th floor conference room, Pound Hall
Wednesday, Jan 24
8:30 -10:00 am
Power for All -cover 
Julie Battilana – “Becoming Effective Change Makers”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Power for All, Introduction
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound 101
Wednesday, January 24
10:30-12:00 pm 
Barry Bluestone – “Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of American Economic Growth” Part 2
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound 101
Wednesday, January 24
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Pound 101
Wednesday, January 24
1:00-2:30 pm 
Mark Erlich – “Post WWII “Social Contract”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Steven, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Ch. 7-8
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound 101
Wednesday, January 24
3:00-4:30 pm 
Capital Strategies #5 – “Enterprise Strategies: ESOP’s, Cooperatives and Democratic Ownership” – Christopher Mackin, Rutgers University
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading – Employee Ownership Statistics
– ESOP Definition and Union Issues
– Nation Magazine-Employee Ownership: The Road to Shared Prosperity
– Defining Employee Ownership: Four Meanings and Two Models
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Pound 101
Thursday, January 25
8:30 -10:00 am 
David Weil – “Strategic Choice #4: Building organizational capacity”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: – Turning the Tide, Chapters 5 (pp. 117-126) and 7, 8 (All).- Paul Clark, Greg Bamber, Paul Whitehead, Lois Gray, Sandra Cockfield, and Kay Gilbert. “Does Modernizing Union Administrative Practices Promote or Hinder Union Revitalization?” British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol.59, no.2, June 2021, pp. 370-397.
Prepare for Discussion: What Do Members Want?  The MGEU Resource Centre  (HTUP Case Program)Questions for Discussion:
– What are the upsides and downsides of the MGEU Resource Centre?
– Would you choose to expand it as a leader of the MGEU Executive Board?
– What factors most influence organizational capacity in your union?  What barriers exist to changing organizational capacity in your union?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, January 25
10:30-12:00 pm 
Hila Shamir – “The challenges of labor law under supply chain capitalism: the tools we have and the tools we need”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Fichter, M. (2015). Organising In and Along Value Chains: What Does It Mean for Trade Unions?Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stifung.
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, January 25
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, January 25
1:00-2:30 pm 
Tom Kochan – “How to Build on the Year of Labor’s Disruptions”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: Labor’s Great Reset, Steven Greenhouse
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, January 25
3:00-4:30 pm 
Capital Strategies #6- “Global Capital Strategies” – Vonda Brunsting
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: – Capital Strategies, An overview for activists and movement organizations. Briefing 2022. Transform Finance
– Shared Prosperity: The Investor Case for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining – Committee on Worker’s Capital
– Capital Strategies and the Future of Workers– Investor Statement on the Rights to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining _ CWC (Committee)
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 111
Friday, January 26
8:30 -10:00 am 
Thomas Kohler – “Cornerstones of the Civil Rights Movement:  The Pathbreaking Significance of Steele v. Louisville & Nashville Ry. Co”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Steele v Louisville
Classroom Presentation: none 
Austin Hall 100
Friday, January 26
10:30-12:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Labor’s Values #3 – Engaging members”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: – PSCOA case study
– The state of US Labor and Building Union Power
– Union leadership and members attitudes, Tove H. Hammer, Mahmut Bayazit, David L. Wazeter, ILR School, Cornell University, 2009
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Class handout: PDF The Change Handbook, 2nd Edition 
Austin Hall 100
Friday, January 26
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 100
Friday, January 26
1:00-2:30 pm 
Barry Bluestone – “Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of American Economic Growth” Part 3
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100
WEEK 4: January 29 – February 2   
Monday, January 298:30 -10:00 amMan who changed coer -fletcherBill Fletcher – “Race to Labor, part 1”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: – Race Is About More Than Discrimination.
– Race to Labor
– optional “The Man Who Changed Colors” Hardball Press – novel  
       Review- Why Leftists Should Read The Man Who Changed Colors – InThese Times, 12/16/23
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 29
10:30-12:00 pm 
Justin Conley ‘23 – “Which Side Are You On: Using Digital to Build Power” Part 1
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: Social Media Seen as Mostly Good for Democracy Across Many Nations, But U.S. is a Major Outlier – excerpt
Full report
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 29
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 29
1:00-2:30 pm 
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld – “New Technology and Collective Bargaining”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: When Launching a Collaboration Keep it Agile, Stanford Social Innovation Review
Classroom Presentation: PDF
New tech and collective bargaining – session notes: PDF 
Austin Hall 111
Monday, January 29
3:00-4:30 pm 
Class Sharing:– Justin Power: Noone Deserves a Serve Campaign – PDF
– John Lepley – Mental Health Matters – PDF
– John Lepley – Stewards Corner Monthly Newsletter – PDF
– Frank Anderson – time/energy management – PDF
– Anil NAIDOO – Union video
Austin Hall 111
Monday, January 29
5:30-7:30 pm Dinner provided
Bill Fletcher – “Attack on Democracy” Dinner talk
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 111
Tuesday, January 30
8:30 -10:00 am 
Class Sharing:– Justin Power: Noone Deserves a Serve Campaign – PDF
– John Lepley – Mental Health Matters – PDF
– John Lepley – Stewards Corner Monthly Newsletter – PDF
– Frank Anderson – time/energy management – PDF
– Anil NAIDOO – Union video
Austin Hall 100
Tuesday, January 30
10:30-12:00 pm 
Justin Conley ‘23- “Which Side Are You On: Using Digital to Build Power” Part 2
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100
Tuesday, January 30
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 100
Tuesday, January 30
1:00-2:30 pm 
Mark Erlich – “Economic Transformation and the Decline of Unions”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Steven, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Ch. 9-14
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 100
Tuesday, January 30
3:00-4:30 pm 
Richard Freeman – Can recent CB successes spark a new union spurt (and save capitalism from mad billionaires)?
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100
Tuesday, January 30
5:00-6:30 pm
Dinner provided
American Dream poster 
Disney Movie – “The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
WCC 2012
Tuesday, January 30
6:30-7:30 pm 
Abigail Disney – “The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Disney Vault video SNL
Disney Vault videos SNL: Bambi

WCC 2012
Wednesday, January 31
9:00-5:00 pm
bread and roses logo 
Robert Forrant – “Bread and Roses Boott Mills Worker Tour – Lawrence and Lowell, MA”
Curriculum area: History Itinerary 
Mentioned books:
“Where Are the Workers?: Labor’s Stories at Museums and Historic Sites” 2022, by Robert Forrant (Editor), Mary Anne Trasciatti (Editor), & 7 more
A Contradictory Place – Documentary of Lowell by Forrant
Royall House and Slave Quarters – In the eighteenth century, the plantation was home to the Royalls, the largest slaveholding family in Massachusetts, and at least sixty enslaved women, men, and children whose forced labor helped build the Royall family’s wealth. Located in Medford, one of the only remaining freestanding quarters where enslaved people lived and worked in the North, the museum bears witness to their lives,  
Bus leaves Mass Ave and Everett Street at 9:00 am
Thursday, February 1
8:30 -10:00 am
Labor Power strategy cover 
John Womack Jr. – “Labor Power and Strategy”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: noneClassroom Presentation: none 
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, February 1
10:30-12:00 pm 
Arnold Zack – “The genesis and place of labor arbitration”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: John T. Dunlop and Arnold M. Zack, “The Current State of Employment Law Arbitration,” chapter four of John T. Dunlop and Arnold M. Zack, Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997), pp. 53-72
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, February 1
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, February 1
1:00-2:30 pm 
Laura Weinrib – “Unions and Campaign Finance Law in the Twentieth Century”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
Austin Hall 111
Thursday, February 1
3:00-4:30 pm 
Terri Gerstein and Lauren Moran – “The Role of States and Localities in Advancing and Enforcing Workers’ Rights”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Reading material
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 111
and Zoom
Thursday, Friday 1
4:45-9:00 pm
IBEW logo
IBEW 103 Dinner
256 Freeport St #1, Dorchester, MA 02122
Bus transportation provided
Bus will leave from the corner of Everett and Mass Ave
256 Freeport St, Dorchester, MA 02122
Friday, February 2
8:30 -10:00 am
Quantified Worker cover 
Ifeoma Ajunwa – “The Quantified Worker”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: The Quantified Worker, Chapter 12
Zoom link:
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Austin Hall 100 and Zoom
Friday, February 2
10:30-12:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Labor’s Values #4-Staff Roles & Organizational Justice”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: -Yean & Yusof (2016) Organizational Justice: A conceptual discussion (4 pages)
– YouTube video ( An Introduction to Organizational Justice, Dr. Chris Martin (2020) (10 mins)
-Rooks (2003) The Cowboy Mentality
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Classroom handout – Organizational Justice
Friday, February 2
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Austin Hall 100
Friday, February 2
1:00-2:30 pm 
Steven Greenhouse – “Why are things so stacked against America’s workers & unions — and what can be done about it?”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: How Corporations Crush New Unions – New Republic
US unions winning big gains amid ‘Great Reset’ in worker power
– Will Starbucks’ union-busting stifle a union rebirth in the US?
– Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities
– ‘Old-school union busting’: how US corporations are quashing the new wave of organizing
Why Dollar General Might Just Be the Worst Retail Job in America
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Extra articles:
– ‘Constantly monitored’: the pushback against AI surveillance at work, by Steven Greenhouse, Guardian, 1/7/24 
– Obit of a worker who was one of the last living participants in the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike of 1968
Elon Musk says letting workers unionize creates ‘lords and peasants’. What? by Steven Greenhouse, Guardian, 12/20/23 
Austin Hall 100
Friday, February 2
2:30 pm
Voting for graduation speakers – we will use Hall 100
WEEK 5: February 5-9  
Monday, February 5
8:30 -10:00 am 
Henry Garrido ’09 – “Privatization and Corruption – Learning to Follow the Money Trail”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: Privatization and Corruption – Learning to Follow the Money Trail (case)
Classroom Presentation: none
Website: Checkbook2.0 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
10:30-11:15 pm 
Michelle Miller – “Worker Organizing, Technology, and the Future”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: The Datafication of Employment
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
11:15 – 12:00 pm 
Tina Wei –  “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Labor”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
12:30 – 2:00 pm
(note time change)
Lunch provided
Fight like hell - cover
Kim Kelly  “FIGHT LIKE HELL: The Untold History of American Labor”Moderator: Nick Juravich, Assistant Professor of History & Labor Studies at UMass Boston
Curriculum area: history
Reading:  none
Classroom Presentation: none 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
2:00-2:30 pm
Class Sharing:
– Kylee Houpapa: Incorporation of our indigenous people into our organisation
– Mohammed Awol Alhassan – video   Giving Information
Monday, February 5
3:00-4:30 pm 
Tom Juravich  – “A Participatory Approach to Conducting Strategic Corporate Research”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: Beating Global Capital
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Monday, February 5
5:30-7:00 pm Dinner provided. 
Tom Juravich – “Union worker songs” – performanceExec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Tuesday, February 6
8:30 -10:00 am 
David Weil – “#5- Strategic choice in action and over time”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading – The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapters 9-10, (pp. 214-267).
– Sarita Gupta and Erica Smiley, The Future We Need. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022), pp. 137-152.
Prepare for Discussion: The United Mine Workers Trilogy (all in Turning the Tide):
– Case 7-1: “Financial Restructuring of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)” (pp. 159-162);
– Case 8-2: “The UMWA Safety and Health Strategy and Structure” (pp. 195-201);
– Case 11-2: “The UMWA Pittston Campaign” (pp. 262-267).
Questions:- What is the impact of the UMWA internal restructuring in finances and health and safety on the union’s strategic leverage?
– What is your assessment of Rich Trumka’s decision to pursue the strategies described in the three cases as a new and untested President of the UMWA?- If you are Rich Trumka at the end of the Pittston strike described in case 11-2, what keeps you awake at night? – What aspects of strategic leverage and organizational capacity will you be thinking about as you return to your labor organization?
Class Presentation: PDF
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Tuesday, February 6
10:30-12:00 pm
HUCTW  logo 
“The Story of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers” – HUCTW Panel: Carrie Barbash, Natasha Williams, Donene Williams, and Adrienne Landau
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: “Solidaritas at Harvard,” John Hoerr, American Prospect, Summer 1993
– Recent contract
Classroom Presentation: none 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Tuesday, February 6
12:00-12:10 pm 
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Tuesday, February 6
12:30-1:45 pm
(note time change)
Lunch provided
Ransomware Hunting Team - cover 
Renee Dudley and Dan Golden – “The Ransomware Hunting Team: A Band of Misfits’ Improbable Crusade to Save the World from Cybercrime”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none 
WCC 1023
Tuesday, February 6
2:00-2:30 pm
Lynne Fox, International President of Workers United – “Brewing change: The fight for a Union @ Starbucks”
Curriculum area: Organizing and CapacityReading: none
Zoom link:
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200 and Zoom
Tuesday, February 6
3:00-4:30 pm 
Movie – “9 to 5”Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Tuesday, February 6
5:30-6:30 pm 
HTUP Alumni Association Annual MeetingZoom link: 
Hybrid Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200 and Zoom
Wednesday, February 7
8:30 -10:00 am 
Debbie Berkowitz – “Labor and Worker Safety: New Challenges”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
The Union Difference- The Impact of Unions on Construction Worksite Health and Safety
Algorithms: – Amazon again cited by US regulators over Worker Safety – Reuters 8/4/23.
Press Coverage: -The Worst Retail Job in America – Morning New Beat, 09/25/2023
Covering public employees with OSHA protection:
House, Senate Dems discuss bills to extend workplace protections to public employees
The Conservative Campaign to Rewrite Child Labor Laws
Classroom Presentation:
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Wednesday, February 7
10:30-12:00 pm
Still working 9 to 5 
Ellen Cassedy – “Working 9 to 5: A Women’s Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading:  none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Wednesday, February 7
1:00-2:30 pm 
Mark Erlich – “Gig Economy. Automation, and the Future of Work” 
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Steven, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Ch. 15-21
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Wednesday, February 7
3:00-3:40 pm
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes” – final session and wrap-up
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Wednesday, February 7
3:40-4:30 pm
Class Sharing –
Trish Creech – “Raising the Bar on Women’s Health  Safety Charter”  Handout
Laura Donovan “Will This Victory Transform The South?”
Dan Sulivan – What is a Boilermaker?
Matthew Stafford – BAC-Apprenticeship-Recruitment-Video
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Wednesday, February 7
5:30-7:00 pm 
Reception to follow 
Jerry Wurf Memorial Forum – “Meeting the Moment – building the Labor Movement during the most pro-union Presidency in history“ 
Speaker: Lynn Rhinehart
, Senior fellow at EPI and former general counsel of the AFL-CIO.
Presentation: PDF
Resource Sheet: PDF
Website mentioned: – where infrastructure money is being invested
Austin 111
Thursday, February 8
9:15 -10:00 am 
Class Sharing –
– Kyle, Kris, and Sean – “Firefighters v Dupont”

– Mark Henry- ATU video 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200
Thursday, February 8
10:30-12:00 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, and Anneta Argyres –
“Putting it all together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”

Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Presenting Action Plans 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200 and
Pound 4th-floor conference room
Thursday, February 8
1:00-2:30 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, and Anneta Argyres –
“Putting it all together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”

Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Presenting Action Plans 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200 and
Pound 4th floor conference room
Thursday, February 8
3:00-4:30 pm 
Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, and Anneta Argyres –
“Putting it all together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”

Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Presenting Action Plans 
Exec Ed classroom
Pound 200 and
Pound 4th-floor conference room
Friday, February 9
9:15-10:00 am
Class Picture  – Martha Stewart, professional photographer Austin Hall -front under the arches
Friday, February 9
10:00-10:30 am
Class -Graduation rehearsalMilstein East, Wasserstein Hall

Friday, February 9
11:00-12:00 pm ceremony
12:00-2:00 pm reception 
PresidentShawn Fain, UAW 
 Harvard Trade Union Program Graduation 2024 ( – full ceremony
Harvard Trade Union Program 2024 Class Speakers (
Shawn Fain, President of the UAW, Harvard Trade Union Program 2024 Commencement Speech – YouTube
Graduation reported on Harvard Law Today  
Milstein East, Wasserstein Hall
Harvard Law School
1585 Massachusetts Ave. 
Cambridge, MA 02138
Friday, February 9
12:00-2:00 pm
Graduation ReceptionMilstein West A/B, Wasserstein Hall