Harvard Trade Union Program
111th Session
January 8 – February 9, 2024
This page has all of the information that you will need for the program. I will keep adding information as the term progresses.
**Daily Schedule and Syllabus** – Any changes to readings or schedule will be changed on this webpage. An email will be sent to alert you to the change.
Survey of Leadership Action Plan
Many of you have already completed the survey with your INITIAL Leadership Action Plan proposed problem and goal.
Book recommendation on change by Anneta Agryres, “The Change Handbook” by Peggy Holman, Tom Devane and Steven Cady. The 2nd edition, 2007.
Evaluation – Week 1
Evaluation – Week 2
Evaluation – Week 3
Evaluation – Week 4
Evaluation – Week 5
Full program evaluation
UMass Labor Center Master’s program
UMass Labor Center Internship
2024 Curriculum Summary
Core Classes Curriculums:
–Strategic Choice Curriculum
– Leading with Labor’s Values Curriculum
– Public Narrative Workshop Overview and details
– Mindful Minutes Class Description – Billie Jo Joy -Instructor bio
Online map for Law school campus
Photo Release Waiver – please sign and return. You should be able to fill out the form online. You do not need to print it.
Visa information for international participants
Complete these tasks as soon as your acceptance to the program is confirmed:
- Email Your Picture – headshot – (can be taken with a phone) Send your picture to acastillo@law.harvard.ed
- Email Personal statement – (150 words max) to acastillo@law.harvard.edu. Personal statement is a short description of who you are and why you are at the program. This statement should be concise and will be shared with the other participants and the instructors of the program. Please write it in first person.
- Fill out Extra information form
- Acquire and read Steven Greenhouse’s Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present, and Future of American Labor.
Complete before December 1, 2024 – Travel Arrangement Form.
Harvard University is a smoke-free campus: All forms of tobacco use including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco are prohibited inside all Harvard buildings, offices, and outside all buildings.
HLS Listserve: coming soon
This is the easiest way to communicate with the group. An email to this address will go to all participants. Remember that replying to the listserve address will go to everyone on the list. Be careful.
For technical problems or to join the group contact Alida, acastillo@law.harvard.edu
Annotated Campus Map – that was handed out at registration
Secure Wifi Access on campus – To get on secure wifi access you must first claim your Harvard Key. Claim your Havard Key Credentials. Once you have your Harvard Key you can get on the secure wifi network. Instructions to access secure WI-FI at Harvard. You only have to do this process once while at Harvard. If you do not care about secure wifi, you can get on the guest wifi. You will have to renew your access every 24-48 hours. Instructions for guest access to Harvard wi-fi
Background reading on Boston: The Given Day, by Dennis Lehane, is a wicked good novel that takes place during the 1919 Boston Police Strike, told through the eyes of one of its organizers.

Harvard Law School campus is connected through underground tunnels. All of the buildings can be accessed through a tunnel system. This is very convenient during the cold winter.

Coming Soon – HTUP Neighborhood Info – Tips on where you live and where the nearest grocery stores are located.

Things to do in Boston and the surrounding area – these are my personal recommendations. Not a complete list. If you find something good.I am happy to add it to the list

Keeping Track of Events at Harvard – Harvard Law School Events – only events at the Law School Harvard Gazette Events – official news website for Harvard University.

Harvard ID Cards
You will receive a Harvard ID card that allows entry into University buildings, libraries, offices, and parking facilities. You can also use your ID card to ride the Harvard Shuttle buses.

Center for Wellness and Health
The center offers a wide range of workshops, services, and classes available to all Harvard community members. Schedule a massage or acupuncture appointment, and try one of their exercise, meditation or yoga classes. (Massages are $98/hour, a quick 15-minute chair massage is $20). More information
During business hours:
CLJE/HTUP office:
Mailing Address:
Attn: CLJE,
Harvard Law School
1585 Massachusetts Ave.
Room B086
Cambridge MA, 02138
Visit us at:
Pound Hall, 4th floor
Harvard Law School
1563 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138
Alida Castillo
c: 617-947-8834
(call or text)
Sharon Block
C: (202) 302-1801
(call or text)
Jack Trumpbour
Jack is a long-time resident who has a wealth of knowledge that he loves to share
The Harvard Trade Union Program at Harvard University is committed to hosting events that are safe for and accessible to participants from diverse backgrounds and points of view. We reserve the right to remove from events any person whose behavior adversely affects the safety, enjoyment, and well-being of other participants. Conduct that is inconsistent with Harvard University’s policies, including the Harvard University Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy and the Non-Discrimination Policy, may be reported to appropriate Harvard University officials and to a participant’s own institution or employer.
Sasha Tulgan,
HLS Title IX Coordinator
–Title IX handout [PDF]
– Top 10 Things Unions Can Do Right Now to Address Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Alida Castillo