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Hartman, Frank

a photo collage of a number of people

International Representative

Shortly after my completion on the Harvard Trade Union Program, I was appointed as an International Representive on April 1, 1974 for LIUNA. I retired upon completion of 25 years. Upon my retirement from LIUNA,I commenced employment in the Finance Dept for the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board. I retired from WCB after 15 years service.

What impact has the HTUP had on your life/career?    
I am Sincerely Gradtiful to LIUNA for sponsoring me to attend the Trade Union Program. Our class was a truly international group of students. 13 students from the US, 10 total Sudents from the Countries of Malaysia, Jordan, Kenya, Singapore, Peru, Botswana, India,and Zambia. One from Canada, myself.

Our classes and Dorms were on the Business Campus and we interacted with MBA students. The environment of learning was very intense and rewarding. Upon completion of the program I enjoyed collective bargaining, arbitration presentations helping members and their Families in need. The Three principals in my joyous and beneficial career and duties were Entigrity, Honesty, and Compassion. The various classes I attended reflected one of those principles. As an example, if I had not read the case study to be reviewed the next day in class was poor judgement on my part. To be honest with oneself for class preparation was most important.

During the negotiation process either dealing with lawyers, or skilled Human Resource personnel required my entigrity to be accepted for a successful Collective Bargaining Agreement. Thank You Harvard and LIUNA, for giving me the opportunity to learn for a successful career in the Labor Movement.

Do you have an interesting/funny story of when you attended the program?    
I was 30 Years in age, married with two young children. I was employed as a Business Agent for Local 890, living in Saskatoon, SK. On a Friday I received a telephone call from LIUNA, headquarters in Washington DC.I was asked if I would attend the Harvard Trade Union Program. My response was I have two young children, could not possibly afford to go to Harvard or even purchase as plane ticket. I was told that my expenses would be reimbursed and tuition would be paid by LIUNA. I was asked if I could attend the class the following Monday. I had no idea what the Trade Union Program consisted of, nor did I know where Harvard was located. I was nervous yet excited to receive this opportunity. My parents were visiting us for the weekend and I discussed the telephone call with my Wife and Parents. I asked, does anybody know where Harvard is located. We dug out one of the big book encyclopedias to determine Harvards location. As a Family we agreed that I should not pass up this opportunity. I received a telegram from Joseph O’Donnell, Director of the program, that he would pick me up at the airport on Saturday. This opportunity given to me by LIUNA and the kindness extended to me from Mr O’Donnell, staff, and the Kind, Brillant Instructors started a successful happy journey.

2731 Meadow Lane, Regina,SK, Canada, S4V 1L7