Bargaining Specialist
California Teachers Association/NEA
After attending the HTUP in 2002, I continued to work on behalf of California teachers as a bargaining specialist with the CTA. I helped bargain contracts in CTA locals all over northern California. I retired in 2006, but continued part-time work under an emeritus contract with CTA until 2010. Fully retired since then.
What impact has the HTUP had on your life/career?
The case study we did analyzing the air traffic controllers strike in the 1980’s was a valuable lesson in what not to do in organizing teacher advocacy actions. Measuring internal capacity and external support was an iimportant lesson
Do you have an interesting/funny story of when you attended the program?
With some union members from Australia, we celebrated Australia Day with an outdoor BBQ and beer. Australia Day is in the summer in Australia, but in Cambridge it was 24 degrees outside during our BBQ. It was a lot of fun.
3565 Jordan Rd, Oakland, CA,United States,94619