National Director, Live Performance
Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance, Australia
Hi HTUP Since Graduating I continued to work at my Union for 2 years then resigned and took up a Senior Executive Position in a newly government established Corporation for Transport in Sydney, New South Wales. After 5 years I transitioned to contract work as an Employment Lawyer and Consulant. I then took a position with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra for 7 and 1/2 years as Senior Executive, Company Secretary and Commercial Legal. Just before COVID 19 hit I accepted a role of Director, People and Culture with the Michael Cassel Group- a Commercial Theatre Producer (which post lockdowns) is rapidly expanding and we recently opened and office in New York. Still working full time but the post COVID 19 newfound Flexible work arrangements are pleasing. I am on my 9th version of our COVID Plans for the office and various theatrical productions in Australia and the Asia Pacific.
What impact has the HTUP had on your life/career?
HTUP offered a remarkable opportunity to aquire the skills needed for leadership and management. Learnings honed my strategic and tactical skills as well as long term planning.
The opportunity to learn about employment challenges in a geopolitical context was wonderful. With the rapid expenasion of glabalisation I was well placed to assess the impact ofthis and the IT revolution.
Finally the opportunatey to develop so many wonderful friendships on the course was fantastic and getting a better sense of American Society, Politics and issues following September 11 was fasinating.
Thanks you so much.
Do you have an interesting/funny story of when you attended the program?
Australians not used to tipping – quickly learnt that if we wanted to continue drinking at the local pub we needed to lift our game.
Being told to “Go home you pinky commie bitch” after a very heated debate at the Pub on the USA response to September 11- ie the War on Terror – was funny- and interesting.
I enjoyed every minute of a wonderful experience and still in contact with some of my buddies.
2/316-322 Clovelly Road, Clovelly, NSW, Australia,2031