We strongly recommend that you test before you travel to Cambridge and not travel if you do not feel well.

We also strongly recommend wearing a mask during the program. In pre-pandemic times, the HTUP participants would tend to get sick the second week of class with colds and sniffles. Some bad enough to have to miss class. When people from around the world and across the nation get together bringing their germs from faraway places, people get sick. The program is short and intense and you do not want to miss any of it.

If you do get sick/do not feel well during the program:
DO NOT COME TO CLASS! We will run the classes on Zoom so that you can watch from your bed in your suite. Text me so I can set up the Zoom meeting. The link will always be the same: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/8615788077?pwd=ejNrdnd4RzRhaTV1MHBucys1MVZFdz09

Do a home antigen test to see if you have Covid They can be purchased at local drug stores (Sorry those from other countries all healthcare here costs $$$)

If you test positive you must isolate for at least 5 days and follow class on Zoom.

Procedure to follow if test positive

CDC – Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19 including an Isolation and Exposure Calculator. A tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spreading COVID-19.