Harvard Trade Union Program 109th Session
February 3-March 6, 2020

This page has all of the information that you will need for the program. I will keep adding information as the term progresses.
**Daily Schedule and Syllabus** – Any changes to readings or schedule will be changed on this webpage. An email will be sent to alert you to the change.
– Full Program Evaluation
– Evaluation – week 5: March 2-5
– Evaluation – week 4: Feb 24-28
– Evaluation-week 3: Feb 14-22
– Evaluation-week 1/2: Feb 4-13
CONTRIBUTE TO HTUP Alumni Association: Your dues can to go scholarship or general funds
To send check: [Download PDF form]
To make contribution online with credit card: [Online Contribution]
Homework Assignments:
– Leadership action plan – due 2/21
– Arbitration homework instructions
– Arbitration homework transcript – due on 2/20 email to azack@law.harvard.edu,
do not print nor bring to class, just email
– Leadership action plan survey – due 2/12
2020 Participation Ground Rules – developed and agreed upon on 2/4/20 at Orientation
Secure Wifi Access – To get on secure wifi access you must first claim your Harvard Key. Claim your Havard Key Credentials
Once you have your Harvard Key you can get on the secure wifi network. Instructions to access secure WI-FI at Harvard. You only have to do this process once while at Harvard. If you do not care about secure wifi, you can get on the guest wifi. You will have to renew your access every 24-48 hours. Instructions for guest access to Harvard wi-fi
HLS Listserve: 2020htup@lists.law.harvard.edu
Remember that replying or sending an email to the listserve address will go to everyone on the list. Be careful.
For technical problems or to join group contact Alida, acastillo@law.harvard.edu
Union Videos:
Longshore video: Crane Arrival at Port of Virginia
Longshore video: Port of VIrginia
It’s David vs. Goliath: ASARCO Strikers need your help
Annotated Campus Map – that was handed out at registration
Apartment Cleaning Schedule- Your aparment will be cleaned on the 3rd week of the program, 2/18-2/21. A more specific schedule will be posted later.
Class Ring Information: There are 2 companies that provide rings to Harvard programs:
- Balfour – official provider for Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) – (less expensive). They are coming on Thursday 2/13, lunchtime to tell you and size for rings. Seller: Todd Incantalupo, todd.incantalupo@balfour.com, 401.258.0676 | customer service: 866.225.3687, www.balfour.com
- Herff Jones – official provider for Harvard Coop Book store – (more expensive). You will get a discount as a Coop member. Seller is Jeff Quirk, jpquirk@herffjones.com, 401-383-0028