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Alumni Updates

Michael D’Intinosanto

D’Intinosanto, Michael

The HTUP was such an amazing experience. I met so many labor leaders from around the world and learned from so many great instructors and presenters. I have used what I learned to better advocate for my members in the workplace, and in my social and political activities

Dileo, Don

After graduation in 1990 I continued to work for AFSCME in NJ as a staff representative, servicing local unions from organizing to collective bargaining, grievance and arbitration handling, political action. Also became an instructor at Rutger’s University’s Labor Education Center. Held classes on preparing for collective bargaining, labor and politics, the legislative process, labor and music and film. Continued to serve as President of the Mercer County NJ CLC until 1998.

Michael Easson

Easson, Michael

I attended the HTUP in Fall 1981, staying at Morris Hall on the HBS campus; this was the last 13-week course on the HBS campus. For various reasons, chiefly commercial, the HBS was no longer interested in having unionists among them, especially when higher-paying MBA students could be their replacements.

Isabelle Ferreras

Ferreras, Isabelle

I am a researcher in the social sciences with a key interest in labor. I am a professor at the University of Louvain, senior tenured fellow of the Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research, and a senior research associate of the Labor and Worklife program at Harvard Law School. I am currently the President of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Belgium.

Francis, Shaun

Since HTUP, I left OPEIU and took a new position with the NYS Public Employees Federation. After 12 years as a baseball umpire then 10 years as an International Representative for OPEIU I was tired of extensive travel. With PEF I am able to eliminate travel while still representing members. The transition to the public sector was a challenge but worth it.

Golden, Norm

The International Association of Fire Fighters union has continued to provide the best leadership training and support to me. I have promoted in the fire department, and now am in a role that is exempt for union affiliation (Deputy Chief). I have a close relationship with the union leadership and our organization has made great strides by working collaboratively. Safety is enhanced, efficiencies are found, and there is a strong sense of pride in working together.

a photo collage of a number of people

Hartman, Frank

Shortly after my completion on the Harvard Trade Union Program, I was appointed as an International Representive on April 1, 1974 for LIUNA. I retired upon completion of 25 years. Upon my retirement from LIUNA,I commenced employment in the Finance Dept for the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board. I retired from WCB after 15 years service.