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2025 HTUP Daily Schedule and Readings


January 13 – February 14, 2025

Zoom link:

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Week 1: January 13-17

Monday, January 13 9:00-10:00 amGet ID cards – meet in Lobby of Smith Campus CenterRichard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center Suite 8071350 Mass Ave.
Monday, January 13 10:00-4:00 pmBilly Jo Joy and Alida Castillo – Orientation Curriculum area: orientation
Reading: How to prepare a case 
WCC 1010Wasserstein Hall (WCC) 1st floor
1585 Mass Ave.
Monday, January 13 6:00-9:00 pmWelcome Dinner
6:00-7:00 pm Reception
7:00-9:00 pm Buffet dinner 
DoubleTree Suites Boston/Cambridge
400 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston
Tuesday, January 14 8:30-10:00 amKeturah Raabe – “Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging – We Still Have Work to Do”
Labor unions and worker centers/organizations have a history of publicly supporting racial and social justice issues. How is that support reflected within their systems and work culture? This two part session will provide participants with an opportunity to individually and collectively reflect on what equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging currently looks like within their organization and imagine or reimagine what’s possible.
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Race, Gender and the Rebirth of Trade Unionism
United National Economic and Social Council Commission on the Status of Women
-Optional: Empowering women of color in labor unions: A rising force for change 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South

Tuesday, January 14 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South
Tuesday, January 14 10:30-12:00 pmKeturah Raabe – “Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging – We Still Have Work to Do” Part 2
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South
Tuesday, January 14 1:00-2:30 pmElaine Bernard – “Learning from Each Other: Unions and labor relations in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: –  Why Unions Matter 
2007 Collective Bargaining as a Constitutional Right 
History of Australian Unions 
TUC Three Charts on Trade Union Membership
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1019
Tuesday, January 14 3:00-4:30 pmMarshall Ganz – “Leadership, Organizing, and Action”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: – People, Power, Change: Organizing for Democratic Renewal by Marshall Ganz: – Introduction Why me, Why us, Why now, pp 1-13
Chpt. 1 Practicing Democracy, pp 14-34
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1019
Wednesday, January 15 8:30 -10:00 am
David Weil – Strategic Choice #1 – “Facing the Storm: A First Discussion of Strategic Choices”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: Turning the Tide, Preface, Chapter 1, (pp. 3-12).
Case for discussion: The PATCO Strike (Case)
Questions: • How do you prepare for the upcoming contract negotiations as the Reagan administration?
• How do you prepare for the upcoming contract negotiations as a leader of PATCO?
• What lesson does the PATCO case have for leading change in your union?
Classroom Presentation: none,
Picture of chalkboard #1, Picture of chalkboard #2
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 15 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 15 10:30-12:00 pmElaine Bernard – “Leadership and Democratic Decision-Making – A Simulation”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF 
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 15 1:00-2:30 pmMark Erlich – Labor History #1 – “Early America Through the Great Depression”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Introduction to Chapter 5 (xi – p. 79)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 15 3:00-4:30 pmVonda Brunsting – Capital Strategies #1 – “History of Workers’ Capital”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: New Labor Forum:  Capital Strategies for the Common Good
Turning patients into profit
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 16 8:30-10:00 amErin Shackelford – Capital Strategies #2 – “Retirement Security”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies #2
Reading: Capitalism’s Washing Machine
CalPERS Labor Principles
CalPERS weighs labor principles for its managers, portfolio companies
Criteria for an Effective Labour Rights Assessment
Navigating State Regulation of ESG
Questions to Prepare for Class Discussion:
– Does your union/local have members in a pension plan? Is it a private or public plan? Is it a Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution plan?
– What kind of representation do members/the union have on the pension plan board?
– If you have trustees on the board, how are those leaders chosen? Is there a leadership development track for those positions?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South
Thursday, January 16 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South
Thursday, January 16 10:30-12:00 pmHeidi Shierholz – “Economic Policy that Works for Working People”
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: – Middle-out economics is good for workers, their families, and the broader economy
Working families need an end to wage suppression more than new tax cuts
The policies that will determine whether Trump’s labor secretary pick supports workers
Vouchers undermine efforts to provide an excellent public education for all
– Executive summary only: The U.S. benefits from immigration but policy reforms needed to maximize gains
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Inequality for All – Bob Reich movie
HLS Library –
Langdell 272 – Kirkland and Ellis Classroom – South
Thursday, January 16 1:00-2:30 pmWilliam B. Gould IV – “Union Organizing and Growth, Labor Law and Washington: What Now in the Trump Era?”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Unions are scoring big wins for workers. Why isn’t membership surging? 
America’s latest union push needs teeth
Classroom Presentation: none
Pound 102 and Zoom
Thursday, January 16 3:30-4:30 pm Tour
4:30+ Democracy Brewing
Nick Juravich – “Boston Labor History Tour and Democracy Brewing”
Curriculum area: History
The tour will start at Back Bay Station.
The tour will end at Democracy Brewing, a worker-owned brewery located at 35 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111
Optional Reading: “Working People’s Heritage Trail,” Jim Green
People’s History of Boston Walking Tour, Tina Groeger
-A. Philip Randolph and Boston’s African-American Railroad Worker – On the lives and labors of Boston’s Pullman Porters, this article by Jim Green and Bob Hayden is lovely, and details their reasons for creating the panels that accompany the
Meet at Harvard Square Red Line station MBTA on the corner of Church St and Mass Ave at 3 pm.
We will take the train to Back Bay Station
Friday, January 17 8:30-10:00 amSharon Block and Benjamin Sachs – “Current Labor Law Issues”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
Cemax NLRB Decision
WCC 2009
Friday, January 17 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 2009
Friday, January 17 10:30-12:00 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Leading with Labor’s Values/Overview”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: Pennsylvania State Correction Officers Association case study (CASE)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 2009
Friday, January 17 1:00-2:30 pmRichard Parker – “Will Trump Turn Out to be a Transformative President? Lessons from the Six Presidents Who Were Truly Transformative”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Summary and readings
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1019
Friday, January 17 3:00-4:30 pmJack Trumpbour – “Harvard Tour”
Curriculum area: orientation
Reading: none
WCC 1019

Week 2: January 21-25

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Monday, January 20 
No class MLK Day
Tuesday, January 21 8:30-10:00 amRichard Freeman – “The New Frontier for US Unions: Young Student-Employees and Post-Docs”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: How Clark Grad Workers Won Their First Contract, Working Mass
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Tuesday, January 21 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 1010
Tuesday, January 21 10:30-12:00 pmGautam Mukunda – “Dangerous Mines: Saving Lives Through Leadership”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: “Cynthia Carroll at Anglo American” 
(HRB Case)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
“Credible signals are expensive signals”
WCC 1010
Tuesday, January 21 1:00-2:30 pmDavid Cutler – “What’s Up with Health Care?”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Tuesday, January 21 3:00-4:30 pmDavid Webber – Capital Strategies #3 – “Resetting the Relationship with Private Equity”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading: Chapters 5 and 7, The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon, David Webber, Harvard University Press.
Classroom Presentation: none
Reading mentioned in class: Putting Labor’s Capital to Work for Labor
How to get changes with pensions:
1. Go to State legislation – change laws
2. Interpretive Letter to State AG
3. Pension Fund Policy
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 22 8:30-10:00 amDavid Weil – Strategic Choice #2 – Strategic Planning and Strategic Choice
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: Read:  – David Weil, “A Strategic Choice Framework for Union Decision Making” Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, vol. 8, March 2005, pp. 327-347.
The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapter 1, (pp. 1-23). 
Case for discussion: Reflect carefully on your own union’s recent history (and your personal history in your union). Based on the framework described in the “Strategic Choice Framework,” think about the following questions: 
What was the most significant change affecting its “strategic leverage”?
• What was the most significant change affecting its “organizational capacity”?
• How have the changes you have noted above affected your views on union leadership and management? 
• How has your union engaged in planning / strategic planning in recent years? How successful have those efforts been in improving the strategic position of your union?
Classroom Presentation: PDF, Picture of chalkboard
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 22 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Classroom Presentation: 
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 22 10:30-12:00 pmGautam Mukunda – “Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 22 1:00-2:30 pmMark Erlich – Labor History #2 – “The New Deal through the Great Compression”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Chapter 6-8 (pp. 80 – 121)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Wednesday, January 22 3:00-4:30 pmOpen
Wednesday, January 22 4:30-9:00 pmIBEW 103 Dinner
Bus transportation provided
Bus will leave from the corner of Everett and Mass Ave.
256 Freeport St, Dorchester, MA 02122
Thursday, January 23 8:30 -10:00 amDebbie Berkowitz – “Advocating for Safe Workplaces, Impact of Climate Change, and Child Labor”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Worker Safety in Crisis: The Cost of a Weakened OSHA
Classroom Presentation: none
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 23 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 23 10:30-12:00 pmAvi Chomsky – “Is Science Enough? Critical questions about Climate Justice”
Curriculum area: 
Reading: Last chapter of Is Science Enough?: Forty Critical Questions About Climate Justice , Avi Chomsky, Beacon Press, 2022 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 23 1:00-2:30 pmBarry Bluestone and Brian Corr – “A New Vision for Trade Unionism”
Curriculum area: Economics
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Negotiating the Future – book with father
The Reckoning, by David Halberstam
Grassroots Power Project
Grassroots Power Project Three Faces of Power
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 23 3:00-4:30 pmTom Juravich and Andrew Gorry – “What the Boss Doesn’t Want Us to Know: Discovering Power and Winning Campaign”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading:What the Boss Doesn’t Want Us to Know
Classroom Presentation: PDF
What the Boss Doesn’t Want Us to Know
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 23 
5:30-7:00 pm
Dinner provided
Tom Juravich – “Union Worker Songs” – performanceWCC B010
Singer Classroom
Friday, January 24 8:30 -10:00 amRenaye Manley – Capital Strategies #4 – “The Racialized History of Finance and Current Efforts Towards Racial Equity in Investments and Portfolio Companies”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies #4
Reading: Civil Rights Audit Standards
Classroom Presentation: none
Ash Center
124 Mt Auburn Street, 2nd floor north. 
When you exit the elevator,
the Ash Center main entrance is to the left
You’ll need your HUID to tap in. 
Friday, January 24 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Ash Center
124 Mt Auburn Street, Suite 200
Friday, January 24 10:30-12:00 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Breaking Barriers”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: Is organizing enough: Race, gender and union culture, Bill Fletcher and Richard Hurd, ILR School, Cornell University (required)
– Tool: Anti-racist organization continuum
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Organizational Justice Components
Ash Center
124 Mt Auburn Street, Suite 200
Friday, January 24 1:00-2:30 pmVicki O’Leary ’18 – “Listening to Your Membership”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Ash Center
124 Mt Auburn Street, Suite 200
Saturday, January 25 8:30 am-6:00 pmAbel Cano – “Public Narrative Workshop”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading:  –Overview
*Required: Ganz: Why Stories Matter
*Required: Growth Mindset – Carol Dweck
Recommended: Chapter 19 Leading Change;
Recommended: Lesson 1: Public Narrative Do’s & Don’ts
Recommended: Lesson 2: Coaching Public Narrative
Classroom Presentation: none

Milstein West A/BWCC

Week 3: January 27-31

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Monday, January 27 8:30-10:00 amJennifer Zelnick – “Privatization, Covid-19, and Employment Security in the USA”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: Read and prepare CASE
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Austin Hall 100
Monday, January 27 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
AUS 100
Monday, January 27 10:30-12:00 pmAbel Cano – “Public Narrative-Follow up”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
AUS 100
Monday, January 27 1:00-2:30 pmMinsu Longiaru – Technology #1 – “Worker Data, Worker Power”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
AUS 100
Monday, January 27 3:00-4:30 pmMax Kiefel – “Labor and Political Democracy: Relationships between Unions and Parties”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: How to Take Over a Political Party
The Alliance of U.S. Labor Unions and the Democratic Party
Classroom Presentation: PDF
AUS 100
Tuesday, January 28 8:30-10:00 amThomas Kohler – “Cornerstones of the Civil Rights Movement: The Pathbreaking Significance of Steele v. Louisville & Nashville Ry. Co”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Steele v Louisville CASE
Classroom Presentation: none
WCC B015
Tuesday, January 28 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC B015
Tuesday, January 28 10:30-12:00 pmMinsu Longiaru and Naomi Campbell – Technology #2 – “Worker Surveillance”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading:Limitless Worker Surveillance 
Surveillance and the Loneliness of the Long- Distance Trucker
Classroom Presentation: classroom material
–  Poem by Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents
WCC B015
Tuesday, January 28 1:00-2:30 pmChris Mackin – Capital Strategies #5 – “Enterprise Strategies: ESOP’s, Cooperatives and Democratic Ownership”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies
Reading:An Iron Chain of Bondage, Lessons from the Knights of Labor 
Employee Ownership Statistics 
ESOP Definition and Union Issues 
Nation Magazine-Employee Ownership: The Road to Shared Prosperity
– (Extra Reading) Defining Employee Ownership: Four Meanings and Two Models
Classroom Presentation: PDF
AUS 100
Tuesday, January 28 3:00-4:30 pm
Movie – “9 to 5”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
AUS 100
Wednesday, January 29 8:30-10:00 amDavid Weil – Strategic Choice #3 – Analyzing Strategic Leverage
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: Turning the Tide. Introduction to Part II; Chapter 2, pp. 23-42; Chapter 4, pp. 74-90.
– The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapters 2-3, (pp. 28-75).
– Mark Erlich, “Construction Workers and the Gig Economy.” Dissent. Spring 2020, pp. 83-89.
Case for discussion: David Vernon, “A Deep-Dive on Amazon Flex and the Threat from Crowdsourced Delivery.” A/B Bernstein Analytics. May 14, 2018. [NOTE: This is a business evaluation of Amazon Flex by a private equity research firm]. CASE
Questions:• What are the key factors that will affect whether Amazon Flex will be successful in the short, medium and long term?
• If you are FedEx or UPS, how worried are you about Amazon Flex based on the analysis in the report?  
• How might the Amazon Flex business model impact other businesses and the people who work for them?
• What factors most influence strategic leverage for your union?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Chalkboard Photos: photo1, photo2, photo3, photo4
AUS 101
Wednesday, January 29 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
AUS 101
Wednesday, January 29 10:30-12:00 pmMark Erlich – Labor History #3 – “Rise and Fall of Labor”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Chapters 9-14 (pp. 125 – 214)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
AUS 101
Wednesday, January 29 12:15-1:45 pm
Lunch provided Notice time change
Al Davidoff – “Unionizing the Ivory Tower”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: – Davidoff, Unionizing the Ivory Tower
– Figuring It Out: pp. 151-155
-Getting More Than We Bargained For: pp. 161-165
-Afterword: pp. 235-238
Classroom Presentation: none
AUS 101
Wednesday, January 29 3:00-4:30 pmVonda Brunsting – Capital Strategies #6 – “Local to Global Strategies”
Curriculum area: Capital Strategies #6
Reading:  Whose Capital? Our Capital! The Power of Workers’ Pensions for the Common Good
Classroom Presentation: PDF
AUS 101
Thursday, January 30 8:30-10:00 amEllen Cassedy – “Working 9 to 5: A Women’s Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Family Values at Work
AUS 100
Thursday, January 30 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
AUS 100
Thursday, January 30 10:30-12:00 pmBill Cole – “Leaders and Followers: Engaging Union Members,
part 1″

Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Union Member Engagement & Participation #1
Union Member Engagement & Participation #2
Union Member Engagement & Participation #3
Classroom Presentation: PDF
AUS 100
Thursday, January 30 1:00-2:30 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Organizational Democracy”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: Yean & Yusof (2016) Organizational Justice: A conceptual discussion (required)
Union leadership and members attitudes, Tove H. Hammer, Mahmut Bayazit, David L. Wazeter, ILR School, Cornell University, 2009 (optional) 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 30 3:00-4:30 pmBill Cole – “Leaders and Followers: Engaging Union Members, part 2”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1010
Thursday, January 30 5:30-7:00 pm
Reception to follow
James Green Memorial Forum on Labor History: “No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers in the Civil War Era”
Speaker: Jacqueline Jones, Professor Emerita; Ellen C. Temple Chair in Women’s History and Mastin Gentry White Professor of Southern History, University of Texas
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 2036 Milstein East C
Friday, January 31 9:00-5:00 pmRobert Forrant – “Bread and Roses and Boott Mills Worker Tour – Lawrence and Lowell, MA”
Curriculum area: History
Optional readings: –Democratic Party’s embrace of organized labor in 2024 elections has long roots that had started to wither
Trump and Harris, with starkly different records on labor issues, are both courting union voters
Autoworkers, Boeing machinists, cannabis drivers: Labor unions are mobilizing in new and old industries alike
Bus leaves Mass Ave and Everett Street at 9:00 am

For those driving: arrive by 10am at Lawrence Heritage State Park 1 Jackson St., Lawrence, MA 01840

Week 4: February 3-February 7

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Monday, February 3 8:30-10:00 amYoorie Chang – “Introduction to ‘Building Worker Power in Cities and States’: A Policy Toolkit for State and Local Labor Policy Innovation”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: – Building Worker Power in Cities and States: A Toolkit for State and Local Innovation (interactive web version)
– recommended to skim for familiarity with the different policy sections
Toolkit PDF – note that the PDF is slightly out of date, but linking for ease of reading
– Clean Slate for Worker Power Executive Summary
-Optional: Clean Slate for Worker Power Full Report
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Monday, February 3 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Pound 201
Monday, February 3 10:30-12:00 pmBill Fletcher – “Race to Labor, part 1”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Race Is About More Than Discrimination.
Race to Labor
– optional The Man Who Changed Colors, Hardball Press – novel
– Review- Why Leftists Should Read The Man Who Changed Colors – In These Times, 12/16/23
Classroom Presentation: 
Movie – Conspiracy
Movie – Hotel Rwanda
Las Castas
Many Headed Hydra – book, PDF available on request.
Pound 201
Monday, February 3 1:00-2:30 pmHUCTW Panel: – Carrie Barbash, Natasha Williams, Donene Williams, and Adrienne Landau – “The Story of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Solidaritas at Harvard,” John Hoerr, American Prospect, Summer 1993-
Classroom Presentation: none
Interest Based Bargaining
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)
Pound 201
Monday, February 3 3:00-4:30 pmLainey Newman and Theda Skocpol – “Rust Belt Union Blues”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Monday, February 3 5:30-7:30 pm
Dinner provided
Bill Fletcher – “Attack on Democracy” Dinner discussionPound 201
Tuesday, February 4 8:30-10:00 amBill Fletcher – “Race to Labor, part 2”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: The Reckless Creation of Whiteness
Classroom Presentation: none
Wilmington, NC Coup
Movie – Sophie’s Choice
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
Solidarity Divided – Book by Fletcher
-Trump’s Madison Square Garden, NYC rally
on Oct. 27, 2024.- toxic
Pound 201
Tuesday, February 4 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Pound 201
Tuesday, February 4 10:30-12:00 pmJulie Battilana – “Becoming Effective Change Makers”
Curriculum area: Leadership
Reading: Power for All, Introduction
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Tuesday, February 4 1:00-2:30 pmMichelle Miller and Cynthia Conti-Cook – Technology #3 – “The Global Business of Artificial Intelligence”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: The Messy Reality Behind a Silicon Valley Unicorn
”AI Act” at a Glance: Workplace Surveillance and Employee Rights”
Checking on the Progress of Content Moderators in Africa
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Tuesday, February 4 3:00-4:30 pmHamilton Nolan – “The Hammer: Power, Inequality, and the Struggle for the Soul of Labor”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
Pound 201
Tuesday, February 4
5:30-6:30 pm

HTUP Alumni Association Annual Meeting
Pound 201 and on Zoom
Pound 201 and on Zoom
Wednesday, February 5 8:30-10:00 amDavid Weil – Strategic Choice #4 – “Building Organizational Capacity”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: Turning the Tide, Ch. 5 (pp. 117-126) and 7, 8 (All).
-Paul Clark, Greg Bamber, Paul Whitehead, Lois Gray, Sandra Cockfield, and Kay Gilbert. “Does Modernizing Union Administrative Practices Promote or Hinder Union Revitalization?” British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol.59, no.2, June 2021, pp. 370-397.
Case for discussion: What Do Members Want?  The MGEU Resource Centre CASE
• What are the upsides and downsides of the MGEU Resource Centre?
• Would you choose to expand it as a leader of the MGEU Executive Board?
• What factors most influence organizational capacity in your union?  What barriers exist to changing organizational capacity in your union?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Picture of chalkboard #1, picture of chalkboard #2,
picture of chalkboard #3
Pound 201
Wednesday, February 5 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Pound 201
Wednesday, February 5 10:30-12:00 pmArnold Zack – “Labor-Management Arbitration: The Growth, Threats and Questionable Survival of Workplace Justice”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: (Background) John T. Dunlop and Arnold M. Zack, “The Current State of Employment Law Arbitration,” chapter four of John T. Dunlop and Arnold M. Zack, Mediation and Arbitration of Employment Disputes (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997), pp. 53-72
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Wednesday, February 5 1:00-2:30 pmMark Erlich – Labor History #4 – “Automation and the Gig Economy”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Chapters 15-20 (pp. 217-322)
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Wednesday, February 5 3:00-4:30 pmMichelle Miller and Cynthia Conti-Cook – Technology #4 – “Voices from the Frontlines”
Curriculum area: Technology
Reading: Elon Musk’s tech projects are inseparable from his authoritarian one 
Inescapable AI 
Mouth breathing Machiavelli’s Dream of a Silicon Reich
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Notes on the Crisis
Imagination a Manifesto, Ruha Benjamin
The Net – movie with Sandra Bullock
Pound 201
Wednesday, February 5 4:45 pmJeff Quick, HERFF JONES “Class Ring information and sizing”
Download sales flyer
Pound 201
Thursday, February 6 8:30-4:30 pmFlorrie Darwin – “Negotiations Workshop”
Curriculum area: Negotiations and Labor Relations
Reading: Reading Packet
Classroom Presentation: PDF of manual
Pound 201
Thursday, February 6 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Pound 201
Thursday, February 6 6:00-7:30 pm
Reception to follow
Jerry Wurf Memorial Forum “An Evolving Economic Force”
Speaker: Claudia Goldin, 2023 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Professor, Harvard University
Austin Hall – 100 North
Friday, February 7 8:30-10:00 amWill Jones – “Essential Workers: Public Workers and the Dignity of Labor”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: Background reading: William P. Jones; The Essential Worker: A History from the Progressive Era to COVID-19. Labor 1 December 2023; 20 (4): 6–23. 
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201
Friday, February 7 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Pound 201
Friday, February 7 10:30-12:00 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Stories from the Field”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation:  PDF
Pound 201
Friday, February 7 12:00 – 12:15 pmVote for Graduation Speakers
Use Rank Choice Voting
Pound 201
Friday, February 7 1:00-2:30 pmTerri Gerstein and Lauren Moran – “State and Local Governments: Critical Players on Workers’ Rights”
Curriculum area: Legal Issues and Public Policy
Reading: Reading list -PDF
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Pound 201 and Zoom

Week 5: February 10-14

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Monday, February 10 8:30-10:00 am* * * * CANCELED* * * * *
Henry Garrido ’09 – “Privatization and Corruption – Learning to Follow the Money Trail”
Curriculum area: Public Sector
Reading: Privatization and Corruption – Learning to Follow the Money Trail CASE
Classroom Presentation: 
WCC 1015
Monday, February 10 10:15-10:30 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 1015
Monday, February 10 10:30-12:00 pmTom Kochan – “How Can We Recruit and Organize the Next Generation??”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading:Read and Prepare for Class
The Rise of the “Union Curious”
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC 1015
Monday, February 10 1:00-2:30 pmPronita Gupta – “Don’t Mourn – Organize! How the Historic Federal Climate Investments Are Continuing to Provide A Critical Lever for Union Organizing and Building Worker Power.”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities Still Ahead for Labor during the Biden-Harris Administration.” transcript 2023 Wurf Lecture
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC – 2036 Milstein East A
Monday, February 10 
3:00 – 4:30 pm
OpenWCC – 2036 Milstein East A
Monday, February 10 5:30-7:30 pm
Dinner provided
Movie – UNION (Amazon organizing) 
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC 1023
Tuesday, February 11 8:30-10:00 amHarris Freeman – “It May Be Illegal but It’s Not Immoral: Lessons of the Massachusetts Teacher Strikes for Collective Bargaining, the Right to Strike, and Union Democracy”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Teaching Each Other to Strike
The Newton strike is over. Was it worth it?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
WCC B015
Tuesday, February 11 10:00-10:10 amBillie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
WCC B015
Tuesday, February 11 10:30-12:00 pmIsabelle Ferreras – “Democratizing the Corporation”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Reading: – Democratizing the Corporation: The Bicameral Firm and Beyond, Edited by Isabelle Ferreras, Tom Malleson and Joel Rogers, March 2024, Verso. pages 15-60.
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Article from Thor – WBUR – Rome Traded Freedom For Autocracy. How Does America’s Republic Compare?
WCC B015
Tuesday, February 11 12:15-1:30 pm
Lunch provided- 
Notice time change
Kim Kelly and Nick Juravich  – “Fight Like Hell”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: none
Classroom Presentation: none
WCC – 2009
Tuesday, February 11 2:00-3:30 pmRaj Nayak – “Federal Agencies and Labor Protections”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Reading: Making Your Voice Heard in the Federal Rulemaking Process
Classroom Presentation: none
WCC – 2036 Milstein East A
Wednesday, February 12 8:30-10:00 amDavid Weil – Strategic Choice #5 – “Strategic Choice and Building Sustainable Worker Organizations”
Curriculum area: Strategic Choice
Reading: – The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became So Bad for So Many and What Can be Done to Improve It, Chapters 9-10, (pp. 214-267).
Case for Discussion: Jane McAlevey, “Make the Road New York.” Chapter 6, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age. CASE
Questions: • What is the Make the Road New York strategy to represent workers in New York? What are its key strengths and vulnerabilities?
• What are the organizational capacities required for this model of representing workers? What are its key strengths and vulnerabilities?
• What are the key steps to allow Make the Road New York to become a sustainable model for worker representation? As a leader of the organization, what keeps you awake at night?
• What aspects of strategic leverage and organizational capacity will you be thinking about as you return to your labor organization?
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Chalkboard pic #1, Chalkboard pic #2,
Chalkboard pic #3
Griswold Hall – 110
Wednesday, February 12 10:30-12:00 pmMark Erlich – Labor History #5 – “Labor – Today and Tomorrow”
Curriculum area: History
Reading: Greenhouse, Beaten Down, Worked Up, Chapter 21 (pp. 323 – 338)
The Musk-Bezos War on Collective Bargaining
Classroom Presentation: PDF
Griswold Hall – 110
Wednesday, February 12 1:00-2:30 pm
Billie Jo Joy – “Mindful Minutes – final debrief”
Curriculum area: Organizing and Capacity
Mindful Minutes Resource Page
Classroom Presentation: 
WCC – 2036 Milstein East C
Thursday, February 13 9:30-11:00 amMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Putting It All Together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Presenting Action Plans
WCC – 3012
WCC – 3034
WCC – 3036
Thursday, February 13 11:30-1:00 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Putting It All Together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: Presenting Action Plans
WCC – 3012
WCC – 3034
WCC – 3036
Thursday, February 13 2:00-3:30 pmMarcy Goldstein-Gelb, Nancy Luc, Anneta Argyres – “Putting It All Together – ‘Leadership in Action’ plans”
Curriculum area: Labor’s Values
Reading: Presenting Action Plans
WCC – 3012
WCC – 3034
WCC – 3036
Thursday, February 13 6:00-7:30 pm
Reception to follow
John T. Dunlop Memorial Forum: “What is the future of the labor movement in the age of AI?”
Speaker: Daron Acemoglu, 2024 Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Institute Professor, MIT
Austin Hall – 100
Friday, February 14 9:30-10:00 am
Class Picture – Martha Stewart, professional photographer
Austin Hall – 200 Ames Courtroom
Friday, February 14 10:00-10:30 am
Graduation rehearsal
Austin Hall – 200 Ames Courtroom
Friday, February 14 11:00-12:00 pmGRADUATION – Hooray!
Speaker: Julie Su, former Acting United States Secretary of Labor
Austin Hall – 200 Ames Courtroom
Friday, February 14 12:00-2:00 pmGraduation ReceptionAustin Hall – 200 Ames Courtroom

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