After attending HTUP I returned to Houston where I served as President of the Houston Police Officer’s Union until my retirement in 2012. Prior to my retirement I was nominated by President Obama to serve as the United States Marshal in and for the Southern District of the “GREAT STATE of TEXAS”. I was confirmed by the United States Senate in 2014 and my Commission was signed by the President. I served in the capacity as Marshal during the Obama and Trump administration and retired on January 1. 2020. From this date I returned to semi-retirement managing my portfolio of commercial real estate holdings in Houston, Texas.
What impact has the HTUP had on your life/career? I can honestly say many times I have reflected on the things I learned at HTUP both in my career as a Union leader and as a manager. In addition, I have often reflected on my learnings at HTUP in my business career in the private sector. Honesty, Integrity, Fairness, and Respect are principal tenants I have learned and exercised in all of my endeavors.
Do you have an interesting/funny story of when you attended the program? While serving as the United States Marshal on occasion I would find myself dealing with Union representatives representing employees on discipline matters. From time to time, I would Ibecome frustrated with the representatives not representing their members well. I would stop the meeting and advise them I was going to take off my Marshal hat and put my former Union President hat on and assist them on the labor side LOL. We always seemed to achieve amicable resolutions to our issues.
On many occasions after HTUP I used the example of the Arctic Experiment in impressing on members and supervisors the importance in collective team decision making. The TEAM always make the best decision.
P. O. BOX 751717, Houston, TX, United States,77275-1717