Harvard Trade Union Program
107th Session
January 8 – February 16, 2018
Welcome to the HTUP 2018. This has all information that you will need for the program.
NEWS UPDATE: Any changes to the program or info you need will appear here. You will also be sent the information via email.

Participant’s Email Addresses: Only includes email addresses for those who did not ask to be omitted. If you would like your name taken off, contact acastillo@law.harvard.edu
Google Groups Email List: 2018-htup@googlegroups.com
For technical problems or to join group contact Alida, acastillo@law.harvard.edu
Weekly Program Evaluations:
Week 1/2 Jan 10-18: [Online Evaluation]
Week 3 Jan19-25:[Online Evaluation]
Week 4 Jan 26-Feb 1: [Online Evaluation]
Week 5 Feb 2-8: [Online Evaluation]
Week 5 Feb 9-15: [Online Evaluation]
Final program Evaluation: [Online Evaluation]
Schedule and Syllabus: Complete Program
Download Helpful PDFs:
HTUP 2018 Ground Rules–Developed during 1/9/2018 orientation session
Curriculum Summary
Participant List
Harvard Info Brochure (from registration): Furnished Quarters or Corporate Stay Units
HTUP Seminar-ORID Template: Download this document as a Word file or other editable format (rich text format can be used in most word processing programs). Go to the menu line above: File>Download As:
Choose a type of document to save. Answer the questions in the appropriate section in this document every week to complete HTUP Seminar assignments. If you prefer to answer on a hard copy, paper versions of this form will be handed out in HTUP Seminar. HTUP2018 Calendar:
The calendar is kept on a Google Calendar. If you use Google Calendar and want to add the HTUP 2018 calendar then contact Alida at acastillo@law.harvard.edu and she will send you an invitation.
If you want to access the calendar on a web browser copy this link